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How long does membership last?

We pay by the year, not the semester, so memberships are valid from September 1 - August 31 of the next year!


What are the perks of membership?

There are many. 

Access to scholarships and workshops, discounts on clothes and teaching supplies, a free educator's magazine subscription, and more!

For the full list, visit the NEA's membership benefits website.


Can I be reimbursed?

Upon becoming an NEA member during your first year of teaching, you can get a rebate of $20 for each year of student membership, up to four years. That's half your dues right there, and by attending workshops (which are $5 each for non-members) you'll get every penny back in savings!


Interested in becoming a member? Click here!


Annual dues for UVA chapter:


Annual dues to join the VEA:


Annual dues to join the NEA:


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